- “Highly Recommended” ranking for enforcement and litigation
- “Gold” ranking for prosecution and strategy
- “Widely considered one of the strongest IP sides in Indonesia”
- “Leading this gold-standard firm is the ‘strong, powerful and successful combination of expat American husband, Andrew Diamond, who has a sophisticated understanding of the needs and constraints of foreign clients, and native Indonesian wife, Prudence Jahja, who knows the legal intricacies and practice folklore of the Indonesian IP system’”.
- The firm provides “insightful, practical advice in terms that US and foreign clients can understand, and they get results”.
- One client states: “After dealing with another firm in Indonesia for decades, Jahja’s clarity of communication and clear understanding of the issues were, quite frankly, a relief.”
- Another client notes: “Their entire team is incredibly responsive. We do not need to worry about a lot of back and forth as communication is always smooth.”
- Recommended: Prudence Jahja, Andrew Diamond recommended for both “enforcement and litigation” and “prosecution and strategy”