Rossi Andriyanti

Rossi Andriyanti

  • Patent Specialist
Indonesian, English


Pancasila University

Bachelor of Pharmacy


Personal Info

I’m Rossi Andriyanti, a hardworking and highly skilled professional. In 2018, I proudly earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy from Pancasila University, which has paved the way for my career in the world of intellectual property.

My journey in intellectual property law revolves around protecting and recognizing innovative ideas. I’ve fine-tuned my skills in analyzing whether inventions can be patented, writing detailed patent descriptions, and responding efficiently to official requests. I’m your go-to person for various technical fields, including pharmaceuticals, chemistry, biology, and more. My work involves evaluating patent applications, searching for similar inventions that already exist, and giving clients smart advice to protect their intellectual property.

Before joining the JJP team, I dedicated over two years to another respected IP firm in Indonesia. This valuable experience allowed me to sharpen my skills and knowledge, turning me into a trusted professional in the field.

By combining my education, experience, and commitment to excellence in the world of intellectual property, I’m passionate about staying up-to-date on patent matters to help my clients make informed decisions. I believe in the power of innovation and understand the ins and outs of IP law. I’m here to support clients by rigorously examining their inventions and providing strategic protection.


Pancasila University

Bachelor of Pharmacy


Practice Areas