Januar Jahja & Partners is pleased to be among the leading Indonesian patent firms recognized by IAM Patent 1000 (2019).
A leading IP boutique with more than 30 years experience, Januar Jahja & Partners (JJP) was lauded for “[t]hinking about clients’ long-term business health at all times, [and] sew[ing] up watertight protection for innovations in a diverse array of technical fields.” IAM Patent 1000 also stated that “[a]n outstanding prosecution practice is the jewel in Januar Jahja & Partners’ crown.”
Recognizing the top individuals in Indonesian patent practice, IAM Patent 1000 (2019) stated that JJP’s patent team “[a]lways look[s] to add value, the team acquits itself with distinction when licensing patents and putting infringement disputes to bed.”
The complete rankings for patent practice in Indonesia can be found here (http://www.iam-media.com/patent1000/Rankings/Detail.aspx?g=2ed2f10e-6d40-4845-b50e-a3581fb682bb ).