Januar Jahja & Partners’ Mrs. Prudence Jahja was recently interviewed by Managing IP magazine as part of their ongoing feature on Women in IP. Her interview with Alice O’Donkor of Managing IP touched on a wide range of issues, from how she first started in the field of IP to her assessment of the new Indonesian Trademark Law, among others.
Now a partner at JJP, Mrs. Jahja noted how her international experience studying and working in Germany and then in the United States “helped show me the international nature of IP so when I returned to Indonesia in 2012, I had a much better idea of what was expected of me as an IP professional.”
After 10 years working both abroad and at the firm, she was made partner. “Even though my father is the founding partner, I feel like he made me earn each position at the firm. I mean, it has taken 10 years!” she said.
Based on her experience working on IP issues in Indonesia, Mrs. Jahja noted the ongoing problem with trademark squatting and the general sense of legal uncertainty, as well as Indonesia’s upcoming adoption of the Madrid Protocol.
To find out more about Mrs. Jahja’s practice or Januar Jahja & Partners in general, please visit http://www.jahja.com.
The full interview can be found on the Managing IP website at: http://www.managingip.com/Article/3727061/Interview-Prudence-Jahja-partner-Januar-Jahja-and-Partners.html.