[:en]Januar Jahja and Partners’ Foreign IP Consultant Andrew Diamond spoke on a panel at the 2019 INTA Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts to provide an update on the latest trademark developments in Indonesia.
Speaking as part of a panel entitled “Regional Update: Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand” that took place in the Boston Convention Center on 20 May 2019, Mr. Diamond was joined by Mrs. Catherine Lee of Rodyk IP as moderator and presenter on Singapore; Mrs. Darani Vachanavuttivong of Tilleke & Gibbins (Thailand) as presenter on Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Thailand (CLMVT); Mrs. Pauline Khor of Rahmat Lim & Partners as presenter on Malaysia; and Mrs. Joy Atacador of Dentons (Australia) as presenter on Australia and New Zealand.
Mr. Diamond’s update focused on Indonesia’s recent accession to the Madrid Protocol in January 2018, noting that so far, approximately 9,300 designations of Indonesia have been made. On the other hand, only about 45 applications have been filed using the Madrid system with Indonesia as the country of origin. This is despite the considerable efforts undertaken by the Indonesian government to educate and inform the public about its benefits and availability.
Mr. Diamond also discussed a number of administrative changes that have taken place recently coinciding with the implementation of the 2016 Indonesian Trademark Law, which have seen completion times drastically reduced from approx. 30 months to around 15 months for prosecution of new applications, and from around 1-2 years to less than 1 week for recordals and renewals. Recordals of IP licensing agreements are now being processed and completed following the issuance of the implementing regulations in 2018.
Finally, Mr. Diamond discussed ongoing enforcement efforts in Indonesia, which he described as “difficult but possible”. He reviewed two recent court decisions—PIERRE CARDIN and HUGO BOSS—both of which hold lessons for brand owners, as well as noting that the recently launched Customs Recordation system remains a work in progress.
The panel discussion was covered by World IP Review under the title “Strengthening IP Rights in the ASEAN”, which can be found at the following link: https://www.worldipreview.com/contributed-article/strengthening-ip-rights-in-the-asean
Januar Jahja & Partners (JJP) is a boutique IP firm based in Jakarta, Indonesia with more than 30 years experience in all aspects of Indonesian patent law, especially patent prosecution and annuity maintenance. For any questions relating to the above Client Alert or about patent matters in general, please contact us at januar@jahja.com. For more information, please visit www.jahja.com.[:]