Januar Jahja & Partners will be attending the 62nd Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA) meeting, with an eye towards solidifying ties with current clients and building new relationships with IP attorneys from around the world, particularly in Asia. A long-time member of APAA, Januar Jahja & Partners will be represented at this conference by associate Prudence Jahja and foreign legal consultant Andrew Diamond.
From October 19-22, 2013, APAA will hold its annual meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam. Founded in 1969, APAA is a leading non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to promoting and enhancing the protection of intellectual property in Asia. As Indonesia continues to develop its IP system and welcome increased foreign investment and transnational business, it is more important than ever for Indonesian IP lawyers to interact with their foreign counterparts to share common experiences and best practices to ensure that IP rights continue to be strengthened in Indonesia.
To schedule a meeting with either Ms. Jahja or Mr. Diamond, please contact them at prudence@jahja.com or adiamond@jahja.com, respectively.